Sunday, July 19, 2009

Remembering Lynzi

Today marks 8 years since Lynzi died. We miss her like crazy. Even almost a decade later, it is so hard. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and miss her. I was 8 when she passed away, and it seems weird that that many years have passed. She was such an example of strength and had such a sweet spirit. She endured so much in her short 19 years, and I am grateful for her example to me. Even though it is hard, I know that she is where she's meant to be, and she is completing a mission on the other side that we can't comprehend. She has affected so many lives and she lives on in all of our hearts. Her heart struggles prevented her from having a normal childhood, but she loved life. She was a real tomboy, and refused to wear girl clothes. My memories aren't many but they are my most cherished ones. She loved legos, and the Backstreet Boys. Chocolate was her favorite, and she loved pens. She really did appreciate the little things, since she was not able to do many other things. I think that we can all learn from that. I feel extremely lucky to have had her as a sister, and even more grateful that we will be together again, and that all those lost years will be made up for in eternity. I love you Lynzi Marie! We miss you and look forward to that magnificent day when we will meet again!

Here are some pictures I had on the computer. I wish I could post more.

This is me and Lynz with my aunt's puppies.

Her classic crusty face :)

Our family. My parents and the 3 girls

Another family picture, this time with Troy :)