Monday, August 31, 2009


We went to Disneyland the end of July. We did 3 days and it was a blast. My mom was in a wheel chair, and let me tell ya, that is the way to do Disneyland! We were able to pretty much walk on all of the rides by going through the exits. We went on a total of over 40 rides in the 3 days, and rode some rides like Indiana Jones and Thunder Mountain 5 or 6 times. We did Splash Mountain 3 times, and most of the other rides except the kiddie rides in Fantasyland. We had park hoppers and spent time in California Adventure too. My favorite ride has always been and still is Tower of Terror! At least as far as Cali Adventure goes. We went with my aunt and uncle, Nan and Kelly, and my cousins, Darik, Amanda, Brady, and his new wife Kate. This was one of the best trips to Disneyland we've done. We consider ourselves pretty Disneyland savvy. :) We always have a plan and make time to just sit on Main Street and eat ice cream. In Cali Adventure, we always eat the bread bowls wih soup, and walk down the Hollywood Pictures Backlot. This trip was so fun, and exhausting. We closed the park down every night. After our 3 days, we had the Ibey family reunion in Oceanside. It was a fun weekend at the beach. We ate at Ruby's at the end of the Oceanside Pier. This whole trip was fantastic. We really enjoyed ourselves, and we really needed it. Now, here are pictures!!!!

Main Street USA

In Fantasyland

In line for Indiana Jones

In Line for Grizzly Rapids

Tower of Terror

Me and Minnie Mouse

Soarin' Over California

We got soaked on Splash Mountain!

On Thunder Mountain

Space Mountain

Tower of Terror again

Bug's Land

Bug's Life

L-for Lauren

L-for Larry

Larry and Lauren

R-for Robyn

N-for Nesbitt

Splash Mountain

The whole crew (except Nan and Kelly) on Main Street

On the Pier in Oceanside

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Remembering Lynzi

Today marks 8 years since Lynzi died. We miss her like crazy. Even almost a decade later, it is so hard. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and miss her. I was 8 when she passed away, and it seems weird that that many years have passed. She was such an example of strength and had such a sweet spirit. She endured so much in her short 19 years, and I am grateful for her example to me. Even though it is hard, I know that she is where she's meant to be, and she is completing a mission on the other side that we can't comprehend. She has affected so many lives and she lives on in all of our hearts. Her heart struggles prevented her from having a normal childhood, but she loved life. She was a real tomboy, and refused to wear girl clothes. My memories aren't many but they are my most cherished ones. She loved legos, and the Backstreet Boys. Chocolate was her favorite, and she loved pens. She really did appreciate the little things, since she was not able to do many other things. I think that we can all learn from that. I feel extremely lucky to have had her as a sister, and even more grateful that we will be together again, and that all those lost years will be made up for in eternity. I love you Lynzi Marie! We miss you and look forward to that magnificent day when we will meet again!

Here are some pictures I had on the computer. I wish I could post more.

This is me and Lynz with my aunt's puppies.

Her classic crusty face :)

Our family. My parents and the 3 girls

Another family picture, this time with Troy :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bella's Blessing

Bella got blessed on March 29th. It was so fun. Here are some pictures. I took all of them :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Introducing: Isabella Marie Larson

Born: January 23, 2009
Time: 7:50 am
Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz
Length: 21 inches

It's A Girl!! Jenny had her baby, and we were so excited to find out that it was a girl. Bella is beautiful. We have been waiting for her for years and are so glad to finally have her here. She has a lot of hair!! We were shocked! Tati and Tanner were baldies :) It is soft and black, and we think she might end up having blue eyes! The other kids have brown. She is such a great addition to our family. She is a great baby. She hardly ever cries or fusses. She is very alert, it amazes us. We are truly grateful that all went well with Jenn's pregnancy and the c-section. She is recovering wonderfully. Here are some pictures. We love you Bells!

Our First glimpse!

Proud Big brother and Big sister

Holding their little sister for the first time!

With Grandma!


Auntie Lauren

First Day Home!

Photo shoot!! 3 weeks old---Thanks Kate!

To see more click here

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well, I haven't posted anything in a long time! Here is the scoop on what's been going on in our lives!
In November, Tati turned 8 and got baptized! We are so proud of her.

Isn't she beautiful?

Tats and her dad!

Tanner joined the picture!

The men!!

Such a cute family!!

So that was a very fun time! Then came Christmas!! We went up for a family party on the 20th. And did our Christmas with Jenn and Troy on Sunday.

Tats opening her present

He was so excited!

We really had a good time. Christmas is a wonderful time of year. The week before Christmas break, St. George had a freak snowstorm. We got 5 inches of snow! That's not a lot, I know, but for here it was a blizzard :) School got cancelled because they didn't have the equipment to clear the roads. It was a really funny experience.

This is the snow in our street.

There isn't much going on in our lives. We are happy to welcome in a new year, and hope it brings good times. We are looking forward to the arrival of Jenny's baby next week. That will be a great blessing. I hope 2009 is wonderful for everyone!