Monday, June 30, 2008


Well, it has been 12 days since Robyn had her brain surgery! Her Acoustic Neuroma tumor is gone at last!!! It was bigger than a golf ball!!! She spent 4 days in the hospital and has been making huge improvments. Her balance is still shaky since they had to cut the balance nerves, but the other side is starting to compensate and she's doing better. The tumor was wrapped around her facial nerve, so that got tugged around a lot, so for now the right side of her face is experiencing extreme weakness. She got the staples out of her head on Friday. Her incision looks really good. Her spirits are up, and she doesn't have much pain. Things are looking positive. We'll keep you posted on how she does!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our Blog

Well, here is our blog!! We're the Nesbitt's and this is for family and friends to enjoy, so have fun!!!